REA Launches Africa Mini-grids Program

REA Launches Africa Mini-grids Program

REA Launches Africa Mini-grids Program Amidst independence celebration, Nigeria’s Rural Electrification Agency, REA has officially launched the Africa Minigrids Program to support access to clean energy by increasing the financial viability, and promoting scaled up commercial investment, in renewable energy mini-grids. It is a four-year project funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and supported

REA Launches Africa Mini-grids Program

Amidst independence celebration, Nigeria’s Rural Electrification Agency, REA has officially launched the Africa Minigrids Program to support access to clean energy by increasing the financial viability, and promoting scaled up commercial investment, in renewable energy mini-grids.

It is a four-year project funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Nigeria with a focus on cost-reduction levers and innovative business models.

The programme is active in 21 African Countries and Nigeria is the first to commence implementation following the official launch at an inception workshop hosted in collaboration with representatives from the UNDP, GEF, Ministries of Power, Environment and Agriculture and other key stakeholders in the rural development space.

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